Peter Oldy
Java DeveloperExperience:
11 YearsEmail:
546-789-1234I am the founder of A Cloud Guru and an Amazon Web Services community hero. I hold every associate certification and I am a certified AWS Solutions Architect Professional. I am ex-Rackspace, ex-Sungard & ex-Smart421. I have been working in the Cloud space since it's very inception.
I am not just another I.T. trainer. I teach Cloud because I know it. Inside and out.
Diversity of Experiences
[/wgl_custom_text][wgl_spacing spacer_size=”24″][vc_column_text]Prior to joining iGuru, James taught at The Hebrew University, the Jerusalem Institute of Management, and served in the Israeli Army. Active in civic and professional affairs, Orit sits on several boards. He also plays an active role in academics, serving on the Publications Review Board of the Harvard Business School Press and the Harvard College Overseers’ Committee to Visit the Graduate School of Business Administration.When recently asked for him advice on making good career choices he said, “When you think about where you want to go to work, you should really think about what you want to do, not what seems fashionable or prestigious at the moment. It’s important, right from the start of your career, to do what you enjoy. It should be fun. If it’s not fun, it’s not worth it.”[/vc_column_text][wgl_spacing spacer_size=”43″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][wgl_custom_text font_size=”24″]
Expertise & Skills
[/wgl_custom_text][wgl_spacing spacer_size=”33″][wgl_progress_bar values=”%5B%7B%22label%22%3A%22FINANCIAL%20SERVICES%22%2C%22point_value%22%3A%2287%22%2C%22bar_color%22%3A%22%23c10e0e%22%2C%22bar_bg_color%22%3A%22%23e5e5e5%22%2C%22label_color%22%3A%22%23414141%22%2C%22value_color%22%3A%22%23414141%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22business%20SERVICES%22%2C%22point_value%22%3A%2270%22%2C%22bar_color%22%3A%22%23c10e0e%22%2C%22bar_bg_color%22%3A%22%23e5e5e5%22%2C%22label_color%22%3A%22%23414141%22%2C%22value_color%22%3A%22%23414141%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22digital%20strategy%22%2C%22point_value%22%3A%2265%22%2C%22bar_color%22%3A%22%23c10e0e%22%2C%22bar_bg_color%22%3A%22%23e5e5e5%22%2C%22label_color%22%3A%22%23414141%22%2C%22value_color%22%3A%22%23414141%22%7D%5D” point=”true”][wgl_spacing spacer_size=”30px”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][wgl_custom_text font_size=”24″]Education
[/wgl_custom_text][wgl_spacing spacer_size=”24″][vc_column_text]As chairman of iGuru, James is one of the leaders in today’s international strategy consulting industry and is widely recognized for him expertise in the implementation of change within the corporation.James joined iGuru in 1977, after graduating from Harvard Business School. He earned her MBA with high distinction, was a Baker scholar, won the Brown prize as the most outstanding marketing student in her class[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][wgl_spacing spacer_size=”19″][wgl_custom_text font_size=”24″]